


Behind The Scenes of a Perfume Ad

Recently I have been on a journey of making videos ads, especially product ads.

I have made ads for predominantly perfume brands, kitchens and cleaning/hospitality brands.

Howbeit simple these ads were, some good thought was given to the shots and how they were achieved.

This video is the first in a series of showing how I shot these ads and came up with the results I'll be showing.

The Future of the Internet

The talk buzz about Web 3.0 is on the rise as blockchain technology becomes more established in today's world.

In this video, the Web 3.0 is explored in the context of the evolution of the internet and how it affects everyone.

If you have no idea about the Web 3.0, this video should give you the right foundation to exploring this evolving concept.

Tech for Dummies

Did you think Tech was hard?

Have you been trying to understand Tech or even get involved with Tech.

Perhaps you're looking into Tech startups.

Here's a video/podcast we found that might give you some insight.

Check it out!

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