



  Daytad is a brand in Africa, that aims to create and promote value through content production and film, education and health promotion.

Daytad started as a music brand name, with prospects for running as a Music House and a Record Label. Over time Daytad has diversified to create value in the aspects of cinematography, entrepreneurship and innovation.

Daytad runs a Studio located in Ibadan Nigeria and provides services for photography, cinematography and filmmaking whilst creating platforms, using tools like creative storytelling and music to promote value creation.

The Daytad brand is a dynamic one, ready to latch on opportunities and partnerships.

 Do explore our content and share!  

Facilitator, Daytad

Dr. Ayomide Adeyemi is the Facilitator at Daytad. A medical doctor and innovator with interests in filmmaking, technology and devices. 

Dr. AySax produces content for YouTube, social media and Web 3.

A smooth jazz saxophonist and musician.

He is the primary curator of the content on this website, with contributions from experts in various fields.

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